The following are notes from a class given by Kate Gale of Red Hen Press.
For links to topics, publishers, presses and poets mentioned in this website, see the Category Links on the side bar.
Please leave comments and questions if you have any.
On being "publishable"
2. On being "publishable"
Before you can consider publishing, you need to make sure the most important things are attended to. The following information is provided to those poets who have already gone through the polishing and training that is necessary for their work to be considered publishable.
The most important stuff:
~ Learning the craft
~ Understanding the importance of revision
~ A thorough awareness and exposure to classic and contemporary poetry
~Reading reading reading
~Writing writing writing
These fundamental things must be completed before considering publishing.
Before you can consider publishing, you need to make sure the most important things are attended to. The following information is provided to those poets who have already gone through the polishing and training that is necessary for their work to be considered publishable.
The most important stuff:
~ Learning the craft
~ Understanding the importance of revision
~ A thorough awareness and exposure to classic and contemporary poetry
~Reading reading reading
~Writing writing writing
These fundamental things must be completed before considering publishing.
On publishing your poems
3. On publishing your poems
Of the genres of writing, it is hardest to get poems published. Agents in Boston and New York are looking for fiction and non-fiction because that sells well and can potentially be optioned as movies. Agents in LA are looking for (not necessarily good) screenplays.
Nobody is looking for a poet.
This occurs for the same reason a tall, gorgeous, blonde bombshell of a woman doesn't look for dates: dates find her. There are so many poets out there that publishing companies never go looking for poets. The "discovery" of poets doesn't happen.
So what do you have to do? You have to find a publisher.
Of the genres of writing, it is hardest to get poems published. Agents in Boston and New York are looking for fiction and non-fiction because that sells well and can potentially be optioned as movies. Agents in LA are looking for (not necessarily good) screenplays.
Nobody is looking for a poet.
This occurs for the same reason a tall, gorgeous, blonde bombshell of a woman doesn't look for dates: dates find her. There are so many poets out there that publishing companies never go looking for poets. The "discovery" of poets doesn't happen.
So what do you have to do? You have to find a publisher.
Who will publish your work?
4. Who will publish your work?
The big publishing houses are not looking for poetry. They rarely publish books of poetry unless it is from a very well-known name. Because they can't make money off of books of poetry, for the most part, they're not interested in publishing books of poems.
Some medium sized publishers do exist, but they're mostly getting crunched out by the big publishing conglomerates, which continue to eat up all the little ones. What that leaves for poets are small, independent presses (cat 2) and university presses (cat 3).
University presses are good routes to go because they have more funding than independent presses. Plus, their presses are a form of publicity for the university.
The big publishing houses are not looking for poetry. They rarely publish books of poetry unless it is from a very well-known name. Because they can't make money off of books of poetry, for the most part, they're not interested in publishing books of poems.
Some medium sized publishers do exist, but they're mostly getting crunched out by the big publishing conglomerates, which continue to eat up all the little ones. What that leaves for poets are small, independent presses (cat 2) and university presses (cat 3).
University presses are good routes to go because they have more funding than independent presses. Plus, their presses are a form of publicity for the university.
Making yourself appealing to an independent or university press, part 1
5. Making yourself appealing to an independent or university press, part 1
So, how do you make yourself appealing to the independent and university presses?
If you use a very small press, make sure they have a reputation that is respectable. You should avoid vanity presses. If the press has a reputation for printing anything, the more reliable presses that you are trying to impress will be skeptical of your talents.
Here are the best routes to take:
I.) Meet people--other writers, publishers, editors, etc. This is an important aspect of becoming a publishable poet because editors are looking for poets who are willing to get out into the world and sell their work. Publishers seek out writers that are willing to go out into the world because most small presses do not have anyone working on sales. It is also important to know other writers because if their work is published by a press you would like to be published in, you can get recommendations from the people that know you.
~ Being in an MFA program is a good start
~ Going to big things, like the AWP conference and meeting people there, especially at the after-conference gatherings, where the real connections take place
~ Other places, like the Book Expo of America, may be too large for a poet, but is worth considering
~ Go to poetry readings in your area. Some our curated by indepent person, others by libraries or universities. Keep a look out by searching postings, blogs, and newspapers.
So, how do you make yourself appealing to the independent and university presses?
If you use a very small press, make sure they have a reputation that is respectable. You should avoid vanity presses. If the press has a reputation for printing anything, the more reliable presses that you are trying to impress will be skeptical of your talents.
Here are the best routes to take:
I.) Meet people--other writers, publishers, editors, etc. This is an important aspect of becoming a publishable poet because editors are looking for poets who are willing to get out into the world and sell their work. Publishers seek out writers that are willing to go out into the world because most small presses do not have anyone working on sales. It is also important to know other writers because if their work is published by a press you would like to be published in, you can get recommendations from the people that know you.
~ Being in an MFA program is a good start
~ Going to big things, like the AWP conference and meeting people there, especially at the after-conference gatherings, where the real connections take place
~ Other places, like the Book Expo of America, may be too large for a poet, but is worth considering
~ Go to poetry readings in your area. Some our curated by indepent person, others by libraries or universities. Keep a look out by searching postings, blogs, and newspapers.
Making yourself appealing to presses, part 2
6. Making yourself appealing to presses, part 2
II.) Find places to submit poems to literary journals/ reviews/ contests (cat 5).
~ Writer's publications, like Poets and Writers, often have lists of calls for submissions and contests.
~ If you want to submit to contests, for now, you should make sure they're "first book" contests, as opposed to the ones that well-established poets will submit to.
~ The Poets' Market isn't the best source for places to submit. They do, however, have good tips and advice on craft and on the submission process, including how to organize yourself and how to create a cover letter.
~ Find out where the contemporary poets that you enjoy reading are publishing their work. Most often they're publishing in smaller and bigger presses, magazines and journals. If you like their work, and their publishers like their work, there's a chance the publishers will like your work.
~ In addition to Poets and Writers, the Council of Literary Magazines and Presses (CLMP) Literary Press and Magazine Directory is a good source
II.) Find places to submit poems to literary journals/ reviews/ contests (cat 5).
~ Writer's publications, like Poets and Writers, often have lists of calls for submissions and contests.
~ If you want to submit to contests, for now, you should make sure they're "first book" contests, as opposed to the ones that well-established poets will submit to.
~ The Poets' Market isn't the best source for places to submit. They do, however, have good tips and advice on craft and on the submission process, including how to organize yourself and how to create a cover letter.
~ Find out where the contemporary poets that you enjoy reading are publishing their work. Most often they're publishing in smaller and bigger presses, magazines and journals. If you like their work, and their publishers like their work, there's a chance the publishers will like your work.
~ In addition to Poets and Writers, the Council of Literary Magazines and Presses (CLMP) Literary Press and Magazine Directory is a good source
How to decide where to submit your work
7. How to decide where to submit your work
People have different ways to approach submitting work. Kate Gale described her steps during the class
1.) Look through the directory to find potential places to submit work
2.) Go to your bookshelves to see if you have a something from their press or publication
3.) If you don't own anything, explore their website to see if your work goes with their aesthetic
People have different ways to approach submitting work. Kate Gale described her steps during the class
1.) Look through the directory to find potential places to submit work
2.) Go to your bookshelves to see if you have a something from their press or publication
3.) If you don't own anything, explore their website to see if your work goes with their aesthetic
Supporting the presses and publications you admire
8. Supporting the presses and publications you admire
It is very important that, as a poet, you constantly invest in the purchasing of literary publications for two reasons:
1) You should be familiar with the publication that you submit to and make it clear in you cover letter that you are familiar with them
2) The poetry community is one of give and take. We are responsible for supporting each other. Being a poet is a labor of love and not a money-making profession. We should always plan to invest and learn from and support other publications.
It is very important that, as a poet, you constantly invest in the purchasing of literary publications for two reasons:
1) You should be familiar with the publication that you submit to and make it clear in you cover letter that you are familiar with them
2) The poetry community is one of give and take. We are responsible for supporting each other. Being a poet is a labor of love and not a money-making profession. We should always plan to invest and learn from and support other publications.
9. Considerations
~ Beware of contests. Look to Foetry's reportage of various literary contests. Steer clear of contests that don't have strict rules about not picking someone the judge knows or has not chosen a first place winner in the past
~ On-line publications are gaining more and more respect in the literary world, so you can consider them. Question you should consider are as follows:
1. how long the publication has been around?
2. are they publishing anyone you know of?
3. do they not take previously published work? (this shows more credibility on their part)
~ Beware of contests. Look to Foetry's reportage of various literary contests. Steer clear of contests that don't have strict rules about not picking someone the judge knows or has not chosen a first place winner in the past
~ On-line publications are gaining more and more respect in the literary world, so you can consider them. Question you should consider are as follows:
1. how long the publication has been around?
2. are they publishing anyone you know of?
3. do they not take previously published work? (this shows more credibility on their part)
The submission process
10. The submission process
~ There are various approaches to the submitting process. Kate Gale tries to submit work once a month. Lynn Lifshen sends stuff out every day.
~ If you submit to a contest, it is standard for them to ask for a small reading fee.
~ You should have copies of the literary magazine you are submitting to & they may ask that you subscribe to the publication as part of the submission process.
~ Ask other writers if you can see their cover letters in order to get a good idea of how to craft one.
~ There are various approaches to the submitting process. Kate Gale tries to submit work once a month. Lynn Lifshen sends stuff out every day.
~ If you submit to a contest, it is standard for them to ask for a small reading fee.
~ You should have copies of the literary magazine you are submitting to & they may ask that you subscribe to the publication as part of the submission process.
~ Ask other writers if you can see their cover letters in order to get a good idea of how to craft one.
Cover letters
11. Cover letters
Cover letters should not be very long. Most people go straight to the contents and then, if they're interested, go back to the cover letter for some more interesting information.
Cover letter outline:
~section about them and why you like them
~section about yourself, perhaps connections you share or other publications your work has appeared in
~section about the work you submitted (specific and brief)
Cover letters should not be very long. Most people go straight to the contents and then, if they're interested, go back to the cover letter for some more interesting information.
Cover letter outline:
~section about them and why you like them
~section about yourself, perhaps connections you share or other publications your work has appeared in
~section about the work you submitted (specific and brief)
Other things to make you appealing for publishers
12. Other things to make you appealing for publishers
~ Chapbooks (cat 7)- if you produce a chapbook and tell a potential publisher that you've been able to sell a significant amount, this information is appealing to them because it means you feel comfortable selling your work in public.
~ Many publishers want to know if you have a platform other than the regular poetry audience. For example, there is a doctor/poet who goes to medical conferences about writing or art therapy and is able to sell her work at those places
~ If there is something that makes you uniquely publishable because you are eligible for grants (race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation), that is something that should be included in your cover letter. Publishers are looking for grants to publish your book, and there are many more grants out there for various types of minorities.
~ If you are affiliated with a university, that should also be mentioned because if your work is published, that reflects well on them. As a result, they may be willing to partially fund your book.
~ Chapbooks (cat 7)- if you produce a chapbook and tell a potential publisher that you've been able to sell a significant amount, this information is appealing to them because it means you feel comfortable selling your work in public.
~ Many publishers want to know if you have a platform other than the regular poetry audience. For example, there is a doctor/poet who goes to medical conferences about writing or art therapy and is able to sell her work at those places
~ If there is something that makes you uniquely publishable because you are eligible for grants (race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation), that is something that should be included in your cover letter. Publishers are looking for grants to publish your book, and there are many more grants out there for various types of minorities.
~ If you are affiliated with a university, that should also be mentioned because if your work is published, that reflects well on them. As a result, they may be willing to partially fund your book.
Interacting with the independent press
13. Interacting with the independent press
Most independent presses have a very limited staff of part-time and/or newly graduated staff. Always ask to speak to the editor. Use courtesy and be polite. Those people who have contacted Kate and were inconsiderate in any way -- entitled, impatient, rude -- were ignored. It landed the manuscript in the trash. With so many people out there to look at, why should a press bother with a cranky poet?
Presses want polished manuscripts. It may be worth considering to get someone to line edit your manuscript so you submit the most impressive work you possibly can.
Most independent presses have a very limited staff of part-time and/or newly graduated staff. Always ask to speak to the editor. Use courtesy and be polite. Those people who have contacted Kate and were inconsiderate in any way -- entitled, impatient, rude -- were ignored. It landed the manuscript in the trash. With so many people out there to look at, why should a press bother with a cranky poet?
Presses want polished manuscripts. It may be worth considering to get someone to line edit your manuscript so you submit the most impressive work you possibly can.
Final Thoughts
14. Final thoughts
This collection of advice if for those people with no experience with submitting work for publication. Anyone who is already published or well ensconced in the world of writing may well be aware of these things. The advice here is for people just getting their feet wet.
A collection of the links on this site and some other sites of interest will be available soon.
Thanks for coming and I hope you found this useful.
This collection of advice if for those people with no experience with submitting work for publication. Anyone who is already published or well ensconced in the world of writing may well be aware of these things. The advice here is for people just getting their feet wet.
A collection of the links on this site and some other sites of interest will be available soon.
Thanks for coming and I hope you found this useful.
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